Assassination Attempt or Fundraising Opportunity? You Decide.

Within hours of the event, his campaign capitalized on the attempt, sending emails and solicitations for donations to his supporters. This behavior raises serious concerns about Trump’s priorities and what his actions reveal about his character.

Libby Winkler
7 min read3 days ago
Photo by Lavi Perchik on Unsplash

Assassination Attempt or Fundraising Opportunity? You Decide.

The recent attempt on Donald Trump’s life, while shocking, has been quickly overshadowed by his response.

Rather than addressing the gravity of the situation with the seriousness one might expect from a former president, Trump turned the incident into a political and fundraising opportunity. Within hours of the event, his campaign capitalized on the attempt, sending emails and solicitations for donations to his supporters.

This behavior raises serious concerns about Trump’s priorities and what his actions reveal about his character.

A Question of Priorities

The fundraising blitz following the assassination attempt could have been used to condemn political violence or to unite his base around a…



Libby Winkler

Freelance writer who loves exploring the messiness of humanity, while poking around in nooks of life and shining light on all the things that make us complex..