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Forget This — And it Will Ruin Your Vacation to Mexico
Don’t lose sleep worrying if you forgot a necessary item for your trip
Are you a nervous packer?
Lists are my go to for getting ready for my next trip. Like a nervous tic at the back of my brain, at the most inopportune moments items pop into my brain — then leave just as quickly — and present themselves as the ‘must haves’ for a trip.
As I finish whatever task I was working on, I think back to what the one items was to not forget and guess what? I forgot.
For fellow anxiety sufferers, this is the stuff keeping us up at nights.
Sleepless night after sleepless night we toss and turn thinking on what items we are missing, the one item that once forgotten will result in complete personal failure. We are convinced the items forgotten will cause irreparable harm.
What are these items? Here are the items I have forgotten on at least one trip:
Fingernail Clippers