Member-only story
I Hate Being White
On Being Vanilla, Plain and Ordinary
Growing up in a Midwestern, rural county in Ohio, I had no idea that being a white, protestant, middle-class American was not the norm. I mean I was the ‘normal’ one. Right?
Everyone else was messed up.
Being Normal
When you grow up in a farm community in rural Ohio, everyone looks just like me.
Being caucasian is an assumption, and considered the ‘norm.’ I was raised, and perhaps indoctrinated, to know that being an American is the ultimate goal of every inhabitant of the planet earth, and that I was blessed beyond belief to have been born in the U.S. of A. In fact, I said a prayer of thanks each and every Sunday thanking God for this very blessing.
People of color did not exist in my world. She was apparently a heathen — sadly condemned to hell according to my pastor.
Now, many years later, I find this existence not only deplorable, but mundane, restrictive and monochromatic.
Being White — Not All Its Cracked up to Be
Hitting fast forward thirty or so years gives me perspective.
Unlike most of my childhood friends and family, my path in life has taken me on many adventures. These adventures have often taken me outside of the hallowed borders of the United States.