The Darkness of Winter is Killing Me: Escaping to the Tropics is a Healthcare Trend

Taking a winter vacation is not a luxury; it’s a necessity. Don’t believe me?

Libby Winkler
4 min readFeb 23, 2024
Photo by Camilo Ayala on Unsplash

The Darkness of Winter is Killing Me: Escaping to the Tropics is a Healthcare Trend

Are you feeling the winter blues creeping in with the cold? You’re not alone.

For many, the short, dark days of winter can be more than just a seasonal funk; they can impact your overall sense of well-being. But there’s a silver lining—a healthcare trend that’s as warm as a tropical breeze and as bright as the equatorial sun.

It’s about swapping the frigid temperatures and dreary skies for the healing warmth of the tropics, and it’s not just about indulgence; it’s about health.

The Cold, Hard Truth About Winter

Living in a cold and dark environment for extended periods can lead to a slump in both your mood and physical health.

The lack of sunlight can mess with your body’s internal clock, leading to disrupted sleep patterns and drops in serotonin levels, which can make you feel down. It’s known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), and it’s as gloomy as it sounds.



Libby Winkler

Freelance writer who loves exploring the messiness of humanity, while poking around in nooks of life and shining light on all the things that make us complex..