When Hate Breeds Hate, Only Love Can Stop It

As their messages grow louder and more aggressive, we must remind ourselves: when hate breeds hate, only love and compassion can stop it.

Libby Winkler
4 min read1 day ago
Photo by James Lee on Unsplash

When Hate Breeds Hate, Only Love Can Stop It

In the turbulent political landscape of the United States, few campaigns have captured attention for all the wrong reasons, quite like the Trump-Vance coalition.

The rhetoric they’ve employed not only inflames division but also fosters an environment where hate festers, spreads, and harms.

As their messages grow louder and more aggressive, we must remind ourselves: when hate breeds hate, only love and compassion can stop it.

The Trump-Vance campaign has, unsurprisingly, leaned heavily into fear-mongering, scapegoating, and division.

Their playbook is familiar — stirring up racial animosity, casting immigrants and minority groups as threats, and painting their opponents not as fellow Americans with differing views but as enemies to be vanquished.

This type of rhetoric is dangerous, as it emboldens those on the fringes of society who thrive on resentment and fuels the fires of hate within communities already struggling…



Libby Winkler

Freelance writer who loves exploring the messiness of humanity, while poking around in nooks of life and shining light on all the things that make us complex..