Member-only story
Why I Will Not Be Submitting to Medium Publications
New publications are emerging on the Medium platform daily. Editors are asking for writers to submit articles, making no promises, and striving to alter our voices.
Why I’m Not Submitting to Medium Publications
Medium has emerged as a popular platform for writers, content creators, and journalists and with the rise of Medium’s popularity came the introduction of publications.
Publications are sections of Medium that focus on specific topics. They serve as a place for people to submit their work and get it seen by more people. But why have I decided to not submit my work to these publications you ask?
Getting more eyeballs on my work seems to be a positive, right?
The Pros and Cons of Submitting to Publications
Submitting your work to a publication can sometimes be beneficial — if it gets accepted and published by the publication, then you will have access to an entirely new audience who may be interested in your content.
Another benefit is that if you are able to contribute regularly to the publication, then you will gain recognition…